An Org Designer in the Land of the DAOs

Thoughts on starting fresh in a new domain, keeping a beginner’s mind, and looking to make an impact

Photo by Eric Krull on Unsplash

The Ready exists to change how the world works — to realize a more adaptive, equitable, meaningful, and human way of working. This has meant partnering with some of the world’s largest and most well-known organizations as they strive to remove decades of organizational debt to become better versions of themselves. It has also meant partnering with many smaller and lesser-known organizations who want to develop organizational operating systems that help them retain their nimbleness even as they scale. Not content to swoop in with broad proclamations or sexy PowerPoint slides, we’ve been working side-by-side with courageous leaders and teams who want to actually try new ways of working and are willing to get uncomfortable doing so.

Six years later we’re striving to keep our noses and brains firmly planted to the edge of the future of work. It’s important that we don’t grow complacent in the face of the success we’ve had so far. We work with too many clients who are on the downslope of influence and success after losing sight of the future. What might be next for us? Where are our blind spots? Where are the interesting things happening in the future of work that we aren’t involved with, or even necessarily understand, yet?

It’s impossible to be a future of work thinker and organizational practitioner without hearing about “web3” and “DAOs” over the past few months. As a company, we decided that we needed to get smart about this movement — and fast. It would be a complete dereliction of duty to ourselves, our current clients, and our future clients if we didn’t work hard to understand what’s happening in the world of web3. So, that’s what we’re doing.

Specifically, a colleague and I have committed to spending the vast majority of our time learning about, joining, and contributing to DAOs. The only way to have an informed point of view of this space is to participate. Behind this participation are a handful of foundational questions that we as a company who cares deeply about making the world a better place need to have conviction about:

  • Are DAOs and web3 here to stay? Are we just dancing on the edge of an ephemeral bubble or is this the frontier of something important?

  • To what extent do DAOs offer a framework for more equitable, adaptive, and human ways of working?

  • Assuming every DAOs is not inherently positive in every circumstance, how can we encourage them to evolve in better ways? What role can a company with our values have in making sure the next system doesn’t simply recreate the worst parts of the current system?

  • What aspects of self-management and new ways of working are DAOs unnecessarily re-creating from scratch? What roadblocks can we help them steer around as experienced practitioners who have been wrestling with many of these same ideas for a long time?

  • What can we learn from what current DAOs are doing and trying that is actually useful to bring to our more traditional organization clients? What bidirectional learning between the “old world” and the “new world” can we facilitate?

  • How can we help DAOs get better at all the messy “human stuff” that cannot be abstracted away by technological innovations and always emerges when human beings come together to solve problems (whether there’s a blockchain involved or not)?

  • What do we need to understand about web3 and DAOs in order to help legacy organizations effectively bridge their current reality into one where DAOs and other blockchain-enabled approaches become a larger part of their internal and external ecosystems? What do we need to know to advocate for this when it makes sense and to caution against it when it doesn’t make sense?

I’m sure I’ll look at this list of questions six years from now and shake my head at the naïveté of some of them while simultaneously being impressed with how prescient some of them ended up being (it’s definitely something I’ve done before). Either way, the only way you become fortunate enough to look back at your previous work and cringe is by taking the first step to actually put it out there right now.

Perhaps even more important than articulating what we need to do to start figuring out this world is articulating a few things that we don’t need to do. We don’t need to swoop into an ecosystem that has existed for years and act like it’s brand new. We don’t need to bust in the front door and start offering a bunch of advice and platitudes about how things should or could be different than they are right now. We don’t need to come in and immediately impose our own view of the world, as enlightened as we like to think it is, into a context where others have been doing a lot of hard work for a long time.

Instead, we are trying to do a few things:

First is to simply learn as quickly and as deeply as possible. Web3 is notoriously difficult to grok for the non-technical and onboarding practically, and conceptually, requires serious effort. This has been my work over the past few weeks. Reading everything, watching everything, joining Twitter Spaces, watching videos, lurking in Discords, taking notes and thinking thinking thinking.

The trick, especially for someone like me who truly enjoys the solitude and individual experience of learning on my own, is to not get stuck in this posture. I will never feel like I learn or understand “enough.” There is always more to learn and if I wait for perfect understanding I will never move beyond the lurking and learning stage. Instead, I’m trying to remain in a learning posture while also engaging in small ways with the movement I’m learning about. It’s about making small connections between what I’m seeing in web3 and what I’ve learned and experienced as a progressive organizational practitioner over the past six years. It’s replying to Tweets, it’s writing my own threads trying to articulate things I’m noticing, and it’s about asking more questions than making declarative statements about how things are.

Next, and I hope to gradually transition to this phase soon, is identifying specific pain points and tensions in DAOs where I’ve cultivated relationships and offer my expertise in service of solving those challenges. In some cases I think the things we do with our current clients will translate extremely well to DAOs. In other cases, I think we will need to innovate new tools, practices, and processes that are truly custom designed for the unique DAO context. We will inevitably co-create these with other folks — probably many we haven’t met yet — who are bringing shared values and principles to this work, too.

After that the future gets increasingly murky. How does our work with DAOs and the people who do that work at The Ready interface with the rest of our organization? Should The Ready itself create a DAO that brings together progressive org designers and other practitioners? How can we do what we’ve done in the world of regular organizations with DAOs? Murky, murky, murky — but exciting.

For now, it’s back to listening, learning, provoking, and looking for opportunities of helpfulness. Let’s change how the world — and DAOs — work. Let’s make them the most adaptive, equitable, meaningful, and human they can possibly be and not unnecessarily carry over the assumptions, practices, and ways of working that have made traditional organizations so detrimental to so many people.

This article originally appeared on The Ready’s Mirror publication.

Sabbatical Retrospective: Weeks 11 and 12

Weeks 11 and 12 are officially in the books, so let’s take a few minutes to see how deliberate I was with my time and attention.

Week 11 Notes

  • The end of Week 10 was spent wrapping up another family wedding in Buffalo, NY which meant Week 11 started with a super early flight back to Virginia. I remember when I was doing this every week. Not a fan.

  • Emily and I had our first couples golf lesson. This is the first professional golf instruction she has ever received and it went really well. She’s a natural. My game is really coming along, too.

  • I had my first in-person training session with my coach. I met him at his home gym and we worked on my (utter lack of) swimming technique. It was the first professional swimming instruction I’ve had since I was a child. We took video of me from various angles and I now have a bunch of things to work on during my solo training sessions.

  • I made major progress on my book proposal. Focusing on getting shitty first drafts of each section written with the idea that I’ll come back and polish them later.

  • Emily and I went to the local jeweler we worked with for our engagement rings to design and order our wedding bands. Exciting!

Week 12 Notes

  • I watched the Apple Event. Kind of ho hum in terms of what I’m interested in.

  • I had a solo golf lesson. I’m still working on a tendency to turn my hands over too late, resulting in shots going consistently left. It feels like I’m so close to dialing this in to where it needs to be.

  • Emily and I had our fourth salsa lesson. We’re starting to string together some various moves into something that actually feels like legitimate dancing. I continue to be surprised by how much I’m enjoying this.

  • I completed a shitty first draft of entire book proposal (minus sample chapter).

What Has My Attention

I tried to jump into the deep end with a deep work experiment — 3 hours of deep work every day for the past two weeks. I very quickly realized it was unsustainable and that there’s a huge difference between understanding what deep work is and actually having developed the ability to do it well. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach when it comes to experiments like this. Lesson learned — if I care about developing my deep work muscle I’m much better served by doing something smaller and building from there rather than trying to do way too much way too quickly. This is apparently a lesson I will never stop needing to learn.

I’m still really enjoying all my triathlon training, particularly the cycling. It feels really good to see myself do difficult things regularly.

It feels really good to make progress on this book proposal. I’m holding it extremely lightly because I think there’s a lot of things I don’t have going in my favor in terms of selling a non-fiction book to a publisher, but even if this doesn’t turn into a traditionally published book it’s pushing me to develop my ideas unlike anything else I’ve done to this point. That work and thinking will show up somewhere, even if it’s not a book. If you want to help increase the odds of this thing being traditionally published, though, you could always follow me on Twitter and/or sign up for my newsletter!

Recap of Reading & Other Media

Personal Metrics Recap

As always, the format below is (Week 11 statistic/Week 12 statistic):

  • Average Hours Slept Per Night: 7.6/8.1

  • Average Quality Hours Slept Per Night: 5.7/5.7

  • Average Deep Hours Slept Per Night: 2.18/1.98

  • Average Sleeping Heart Rate: 51/48

  • Average Steps Per Day: 13,149/9,416

  • Average Weekly Weight: 207.3/207.2

  • Days Exercised (Out of 7): 7/7

  • Days Read (Out of 7): 6/7

  • Days Written (Out of 7): 4/4

  • Days Meditated (Out of 7): 2/1

In Week 12 I relaxed the expectation of waking up at 6:00 AM everyday and just let myself sleep until I naturally woke up (or Emily’s slightly later alarm woke me up). I’ve done experiments like this in the past and my takeaway has always been that even though I think sleep is really important and I feel better when I get more of it, I end up actually feeling worse by not getting those relatively early morning hours that waking up at 6:00 AM affords me. I’ve always self-identified as a “morning person” but something I realized this week is that I’m only a morning person in the sense that I like to be awake early — but I don’t actually like doing anything when I’m awake early (other than drinking coffee and reading). It’s not like I’m getting up early and really getting started on my day (although I do think I need to learn how to workout in the morning if I’m going to get more serious with triathlon).

I’m suddenly less inclined to keep getting up early when the reality of my life is such that I could probably be getting more sleep. Isn’t it stupid to be under slept in the name of sustaining some kind of arbitrary identity? Can I evolve out of this mindset of being a “morning person” and instead become a “sleep as much as possible person”? I’m not 100% sure but I think I’m going to keep it going for the next couple weeks and see how it goes. Also, now that I’m looking at the sleep data above, while I slept more in Week 12 my Quality Sleep and Deep Sleep were both better in Week 11. I’m going to have to keep an eye on that…

Looking Ahead to Weeks 13 & 14

We’re well and truly into the homestretch of this sabbatical now, with only four weeks remaining.

Emily and I decided against doing another trip to Cape Cod so the only remaining travel on the docket is a quick trip to Michigan to visit my family in Week 16. So, nothing the next two weeks. Looking forward to the calmness and stability associated with staying in one place.

Triathlon training continues. I’m working out 6 days a week and will continue doing so for the foreseeable future. My coach is starting to sprinkle in some new workout types (Fartleks!) so it’s still feeling fresh and fun. 

My main productive output will be refining the book proposal and writing the sample chapter that needs to be included in it. If I can have a more polished draft of the book proposal and a shitty first draft of the chapter finished by the end of Week 14, that would feel like a big win.

This week’s experiment is going to be to repeat my 3-hour per day deep work experiment but drastically scale it back to simply 30 minutes of deep work per day. Those 30 minutes are going to be super high quality and I’m going to take a few minutes after each session to just jot down some thoughts about how it went. 3 hours was way too audacious and 30 minutes feels too short, which means it’s probably just right.