Weekend Reading #9

The latest monthly newsletter was sent to subscribers on Monday morning. If you missed it, you can sign up for future issues and see an archive of issues you missed here. I also recently created a Facebook group for readers of The Workologist which you can join here. Join us over there if you're so inclined. Finally, I recently hired my brother to help me populate the Archive with all the old articles that didn't make the initial trip over from SamSpurlin.com. If you check it out now you'll notice it's much more robust than it used to be!

Without further delay, here are some of the best things I've stumbled across in the past week. Enjoy!

A Guide for the Perplexed: Mapping the Meaning of Life and the Four Levels of Being - Brain Pickings

One of the biggest revelations I've had in the past several months is how under appreciated E.F. Schumacher is. I read his books Small is Beautiful and Good Work and they seem like a forerunner to lots of ideas that we see thrown around nowadays -- minimalism, sustainability, flow, etc. I haven't read A Guide for the Perplexed, yet, but this article and my experience with his other books has rocketed it to the top of my list.

Warren Bennis, Leadership Pioneer - Harvard Business Review

Warren Bennis was a leadership thinker, writer, and consultant. He authored many books and acted as an advisor for many powerful people. Unfortunately, he passed away last week. Although I never met him, I did spend a summer working for his son, Will at Locus Workspace. Will is a first rate psychologist and thinker in his own regard and my thoughts go out to him and his family in this tough time.

What Would Your Life Be Like If... - A Daring Adventure

When I first started my coaching practice Tim was the first person I looked to for guidance. He helped get me oriented in the right direction when I was first starting out. We have super different styles but believe in much of the same stuff. His latest article is full of his barely-on-the-rails energy and stream-of-consciousness writing style. If you're tired of my overly academic writing style then Tim is a breath of fresh air. Plus, he knows a thing or two about personal development.

As I've mentioned before, I have a brand new entheos class up called "How to Take Control of Your Indie Work Career." If you're an independent worker and want to improve your day-to-day work experience, I recommend checking it out. I'll be recording another class in the coming weeks so be sure to keep an eye on my Professor page if you're an entheos subscriber (and if you're not, you can try it out for free for 14 days).

Photo by Richard Lee