Weekend Reading #3

As usual, here is a smattering of what caught my attention on the internet this week. Throw these articles in your read-later app of choice and enjoy them with a cup of coffee this weekend. That's what I do.

The Light Therapeutic: What Light Does to Our Health - Intelligent Life

Of course I start my picks with one that I don't think is actually available to be saved to any read-later apps because it's locked into some kind of weird Adobe magazine viewer thing. It comes from The Economists companion magazine called Intelligent Life which I just started reading and have so far thoroughly enjoyed. This article made me think carefully (as someone who can easily spend an entire day indoors) about the role light might be playing in my health.

Why We Humblebrag About Being Busy - Harvard Business Review

PhD students love to tell everyone how busy they are. It has become a (perceived) sign of importance or value to be so busy that you can't get enough sleep, take care of yourself physically, or have any hobbies outside of research and work. It's messed up. I've fallen victim to that mindset in the past but have been trying to consciously make choices that both minimize how busy I truly am and how I talk about the work that I'm doing. Answering, "Busy!" to the question, "How have you been?" is utterly devoid of useful or interesting information. We are all more useful and interesting than to be "busy", right?

Create.Learn.Live - Jeff Fajans

Jeff is a colleague here at Claremont Graduate University (and Outlier Consulting Group) and he has just revamped his personal site. He does awesome research around creativity/innovation and utilizing the quantified self movement for personal development. He has a couple of great new articles up (I'm particularly partial to this one - Work On Yourself First). This is a site that you'll want to keep an eye on.

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Photo by Zach Inglis